Want to get more involved?
Joining a committee is a great way to meet new people, learn more about the Chamber, and add positive impact to our business community!
Ambassador Committee:
The Ambassador Committee members serve as mentors to new members and assists them get acclimated and involved with the Chamber, its programs, and other members. Ambassadors invite members to events, meet & greet new members at Chamber functions and assist the Membership Committee with recruiting and retention efforts.
What is an Ambassador?
An Ambassador is an official representative of the Chamber of Commerce, a front-line volunteer.
Who can serve as an Ambassador?
Any current Chamber member in good standing may apply to serve as an Ambassador.
When does the Ambassador Committee meet?
The Ambassador Committee meets once a month at the Chamber office. Ambassadors also attend ribbon cutting events, networking lunches and breakfasts, mixers and other Chamber functions throughout the year.
Why serve as an Ambassador?
Serving as an Ambassador allows you to become more involved in your business community. This results in increased networking opportunities, enhanced visibility of your business, and numerous opportunities to market and promote your products and services.
Leadership Committees:
Chamber members are welcome to join our various committees to help guide and execute progress in the areas of Membership, Sponsorship, and Events.
- The Membership Committee seeks to add continuous value to our business communities of all sizes and specialties.
- The Scholarship Committee coordinates the MACC annual scholarship award and selection process.
- The Events Committee assists in the development and implementation of our Chamber member and community events.
Interested in joining a committee? Contact the Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce at 302-378-7545 or info@maccde.com for more information.